Aviation hazards

Some emissions from volcanoes cause hazards to aviation. Our hyperspectral imaging camera ASHi is designed to detect ash in the atmosphere from ~5,000 - 40,000 ft. It differs from dual-channel imaging systems in fundamental ways, with hundreds of channels permitting detection of high-altitude ice crystals, and some forms of atmospheric turbulence. Crucially, it has the capability of ranging. The basic concepts for ash detection come from more than 25 years of AIRES R&D. Detection from aircraft is described in Prata et al. (2016) which shows how dual wavelength systems can work below 10,000 ft but are rendered inoperable above. A report is available on request via our Technical Reports page. Contact us to discuss the more commercially sensitive aspects of our aviation hazards imager.

Geographic representation of the world's active volcanoes with global air routes (blue lines) over-plotted. Red boundary lines represent each VAAC region of responsibility (Prata, 2016).